I am the mother of 8 children, 4 of whom are adopted. When I opened Destiny, I sincerely desired to honor God through the beauty of adoption. Since opening, we have witnessed two women turn from thoughts of abortion toward the sacrificial gift of adoption. I cannot tell you how many times I hear a woman exclaim, “If I can’t raise my baby, no one is raising my baby” or “I can’t live knowing someone else is raising my baby.”
This is why these two women deserve special mention. One woman placed her child with a friend who could not bear children. The other blessed a family she had just met. These women sacrificed mightily for the great good of giving life to their babies and bringing joy to others.
Equally astounding… Because we gather the dossiers of families who seek to adopt, these adoptions occurred for $10’s of thousands less than the typical adoption. All glory to God!